Gender and Sexuality in War

Gender and Sexuality in War

Monday, May 16, 2016

Research Project

The topic, or artifact, that I've chosen is war folktales. Since the theme of Gender and Sexuality interests me, I think I want to focus on the different roles gender plays in war folktales, mostly within the Civil War if I am able to gather that.

However, if I fail to find these roles, I will most likely just focus on the impact these folktales had on the war.

Stories, I feel, shape the way we view certain things. When we hear a story from one perspective it can alter our opinion or view on that subject. In regards to a subject as sensitive as war, where there are more than enough opinions on it, I think it's important to know every thought on war. Not to shape our own views, but to understand someone else's. I feel accepting opinions allows us to understand the history we both have and haven't lived through more.

This research will definitely be a struggle. It'll be hard to find enough to talk about the specific wars I've chosen rather than just talk about folktales' effect as a whole.

But, it's something I feel passionate about, so I'm hopeful that my drive will make it less dreadful.

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